
Showing posts from October, 2022


Writing a persuasive essay template. Let’s look at a simple case study for this. I’ve recently been working on a book called «How the Bible Does Itself»: The Fundamentals of a Conversational Edition, on the topic of contemporary theology. I spent three years editing (and often dishing out a lot of pages of material) a Bible volume I had created. In that time, several scholars and other reputable professionals intervened in the project to critique it and to note its problems in various areas of its relationship to reality, and to anchor how I’d like to change it. In addition, I found out that I had never read a lot about the Biblical perspective of art since I was a very young child and I did not actually understand what art is. Many of these people had had similar experiences. I was determined to write a piece that would be a masterclass on how a collection of Christian writings makes a factual argument, including how to answer the controversies concerning the biblistic essence of art....